Brooke Foucault Welles, PhD


Northeastern University

2023-present, Professor, Communication Studies

2022-present, Associate Dean for Research, College of Arts, Media and Design

2021-2022, Interim Chair, Communication Studies

2018-present, Associate Professor, Communication Studies

2017-present, Director, Communication Media and Marginalization (CoMM) Lab

2012-2018, Assistant Professor, Communication Studies

2012-Present, Faculty Affiliate, NU-Lab for Texts, Maps, and Networks

2013-Present, Core Faculty, Network Science Institute

2015-present, Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies Advisory Board  

Other Institutions

2020-present, External Faculty, Vermont Complex Systems Center

2018-2019, IDEA Fellow, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)


Ph.D. Northwestern University, Communication, 2012

M.S. Cornell University, Communication, 2003

B.S. Cornell University, Communication, 2001



  1. Jackson, S. J., Bailey, M. and Foucault Welles, B. (2020). #Hashtag Activism: Networks of Race and Gender JusticeCambridge, MA: MIT Press. McGannon Book Award winner.

  2. Foucault Welles, B. and González-Bailón, S., eds. (2020). Handbook of Networked Communication. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.


  1. Wu, H.H., Gallagher, R.J., Alshaabi, T., Adams, J.L., Minot, J.R., Arnold, M.V., Foucault Welles, B., Harp, R., Sheridan Dodds, P., Danforth, C.M. (2023). Say their names: Resurgence in the collective attention toward Black victims of fatal police violence following the death of George Floyd. PLOS ONE 18(1): e0279225.

  2. Foucault Welles, B., Sun, H., & Miller, P. V. (2022). Nonverbal Behavior in Face-to-face Survey Interviews: An Analysis of Interviewer Behavior and Adequate Responding. Field Methods, 34(1), 52–68.

  3. Pacheco, Oliveira, M., Chen, Z., Barbosa, H., Foucault Welles, B., Ghoshal, G., & Menezes, R. (2022). Predictability states in human mobility. Arxiv.

  4. Ryan J. Gallagher, Jean-Gabriel Young, and Brooke Foucault Welles. 2021. A clarified typology of core-periphery structure in networks. Science Advances 7 (03 2021), eabc9800.

  5. Shugars, S., Gitomer, A., McCabe, S., Gallagher, R. J., Joseph, K., Grinberg, N., Doroshenko, L., Foucault Welles, B., & Lazer, D. (2021). Pandemics, Protests, and Publics: Demographic Activity and Engagement on Twitter in 2020. Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media, 1.

  6. Gallagher, R., Doroshenko, L., Shugars, S., Lazer, D., Foucault Welles, B. (2021). Sustained Online Amplification of COVID-19 Elites in the United States. Social Media + Society, 7(2),

  7. Ahn, S. J., Cripe, E. T., Foucault Welles, B., McGregor, S., Pearce, K. E., Usher, N., & Vitak, J. and Anonymous Co-Authors. (2021). Academic caregivers on organizational and community resilience in academia (Fuck individual resilience). Communication, Culture, and Critique. TCAB027.

  8. Gallagher, R. Young, J-G., and Foucault Welles, B. (2021). A Clarified Typology of Core-Periphery Structure in Networks. Science Advances, 7(12), 10.1126/sciadv.abc9800.

  9. Shugars, S., Gitomer, A., McCabe, S., Gallagher, R., Joseph, K., Grinberg, N., Doroshenko, L., Foucault Welles, B., and Lazer, D. (2021). Pandemics, Protests, and Publics: Demographic Activity and Engagement on Twitter in 2020Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media, 1, 10.51685/jqd.2021.00.

  10. Foucault Welles, B. (2020). On Writing, Surviving, and Thriving in Communication and Media Studies. International Journal of Communication. 14, 430-431.

  11. Joseph, K., Gallagher, R., and Foucault Welles, B. (2020). Who Says What with Whom: Using Bi-Spectral Clustering to Organize and Analyze Social Media Protest Networks. Computational Communication Research, 2(2), 153-174. 

  12. Pearce, K., Gonzales, A., and Foucault Welles, B. (2020). Introduction: Marginality and Social Media. Social Media + Society, 6(3), 1-11. 

  13. Foucault Welles, B. and Jackson, S. (2019). The Battle for #Baltimore: Networked Counterpublics and the Contested Framing of Urban Unrest. International Journal of Communication, 13, 1699-1719.

  14. Gallagher, R. J., Stowell, E., Parker, A. G., & Welles, B. F.  (2019). Reclaiming Stigmatized Narratives: The Networked Disclosure Landscape of #MeToo.  Proceedings of the 22th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing (CSCW19), Nov 9-13, 2019, Austin, TX, USA. Best Paper Honorable Mention, frank*2021 prize finalist.

  15. Jackson. S. J., Bailey, M. & Foucault Welles, B. (2019). Women Tweet on Violence: From #YesAllWomen to #MeToo. Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media & Technology, issue 15.  

  16. Foucault Welles, B. and Xu, W. (2018). Network Visualization and Problem-Solving Support: A Cognitive Fit Study. Social Networks. 54, 162-167.

  17. Jackson, S.J., Bailey, M., and Foucault Welles, B. (2017). #GirlsLikeUs: Trans advocacy and community building onlineNew Media and Society,doi: 10.1177/1461444817709276

  18. Radford, J., Keegan, B., Ognyanova, K., Pilny, A., Foucault Welles, B., Meleis, W., Lazer, D. (2016) Volunteer Science: An Online Laboratory for Social Psychology Experiments. Social Psychology Quarterly, 79 (4), 376-396.

  19. Forbush, E. and Foucault Welles, B. (2016) Social Media Use and Adaptation Among Chinese Students Beginning to Study in the United States. International Journal for Intercultural Communication. 50(1), 1-12. 

  20. Jackson, S. and Foucault Welles, B. (2016) #Ferguson is Everywhere: Initiators in Emerging Counterpublic NetworksInformation, Communication and Society. 19(3), 397-418.

  21. Jackson, S. J. and Foucault Welles, B.  (2015) Hijacking #myNYPD: Social media Dissent and Networked Publics. Journal of Communication. 65(6), 932-952.

  22. Foucault Welles, B. and Contractor, N. (2015) Individual Motivations and Network Effects: A Multi-Level Analysis of the Structure of Online Social Relationships. ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science659(1), 180-190.

  23. Foucault Welles, B. and Meirelles, I. (2015) Visualizing Computational Social Science: The Multiple Lives of a Complex Image. Science Communication. 13(1), 35-48. 

  24. Foucault Welles, B., Vashevko, A., Bennett, N., and Contractor, N. (2014) Dynamic Models of Communication in an Online Friendship Network. Communication Methods and Measures. 8(4), 223-243. AEJMC Theory and Methodology Article of the Year

  25. Foucault Welles, B. (2014). On Minorities and Outliers: The Case for Making Big Data Small. Big Data & Society, 1(1), 2053951714540613


2021 McGannon Book Award, #HashtagActivism

2020 International Communication Association Applied/Public Policy Research Award 

2017 Northeastern University Excellence in Teaching Award


2021 Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, Code Contributions for Women in Network Science

2020 Social Science Research Council (SSRC) Social Data Fellowship, Reconsidering the Connections Between New Media, (In)equality, and Political Participation in the United States

2019 US Army Research Lab, Micro and Meso Signatures of Success in Human-Autonomy Teams

2018 National Science Foundation, CHS: Small: Collaborative Research: Catalyzing Youth Civic Engagement Through Innovations in Social Computing

2014 US Army Research Office Young Investigator Award: Measuring “Network Thinking” and its Impact on Individual and Team Performance

Download full CV here.